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Vcclient Hd 1.0
Screen Shots:
The video client allows to be connected to the video server by means of the TCP/IP protocols using iPhone or iPad. The video client allows to view Live-Video (a live broadcast of a video stream from the server) and to operate speed dome cameras.
The video client works under control of iOS 5.1 and higher.
Version 4.xx
It is not supported.
Version 5.xx
For connection to the video server with version 5.xx the license for mobile service connections (the mobile license) is required to be installed on such server.
When the video server has installed the mobile license, that server can handle connections from mobile devices (phones, smartphones, tablets, etc.).
If a video serve hasn’t installed a mobile license, connection request from the mobile device will be rejected. To connect with such video server it is required to receive a license file and to install it on this server.
Request for mobile licenses obtaining can be done from the interface of the video client. In the process of connecting to the video server without installed a mobile license, user is asked to submit its query to obtain the license for this server.
Obtaining a mobile license requires an affirmative answer to this question, and filling out the offered form. Within 48 hours the mobile license which should be installed on the video server will be sent to you free of charge.
It is possible to request free mobile licenses no more than for five various video servers from one mobile device. Licenses for more than five video servers need to be purchased separately.
Version 6.xx
Connecting to video servers with version 6.xx or higher is completely clear and does not require any additional licenses.