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Zone 3.5
Screen Shots:
****** If you are unsure, try Zone Lite ******
Hide your photos and your videos with this new and original App.
Zone offers the ability to hide your secrets with one or more secret areas.
You can create infinite secret areas with associated passwords.
Each of these areas may contain photos and video and will be accessible only by the administrator of the app or by typing the password for the affected area.
This mechanism in addition to being a great way to deter curious, the app allows
the user to decide what to show in function of the person.
At the first start you will need to create an admin password that will allow you
to create, delete and modify individual secret areas.
In addition, the administrator can export for mail or sms the passwords
list of all areas present in app, avoiding to forget.
The main feature of Zone :
- No panic feature with proximity sensor
- Password Management Administration
- Management of secret areas
- Export the list of passwords for email and sms
- Saving pictures from film
- Saving pictures from clipboard
- Create photos from your camera
- Saving video from film
- Download video from web (No YouTube, see below)
- Create videos from your camera
- Export of the elements of film
- Export of items on iTunes
- Send items by mail
- Import of items from iTunes
- Management of standby
- Support the retina display
- Minimal and elegant interface
- Language: English, Italian
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