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Zyzzyva 2.0.0
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Zyzzyva is a useful tool for players of all word games. It allows you to practice anagramming with quizzes, check the validity of words instantly, and find words with pattern and anagram matching. The Zyzzyva desktop program has been used by top Scrabble® players for many years, and the Zyzzyva app brings a portion of its power to your iPhone!
Zyzzyva uses a spaced-repetition Cardbox system to help you improve your anagramming skills. With the Cardbox system, Zyzzyva quizzes you frequently on words that you have difficulty with, and quizzes you less frequently on words you can anagram easily. You can also sync your Cardbox quiz data between the iPhone app and the Zyzzyva desktop program. This is done by using Dropbox, a free service for keeping your files synchronized across devices (iOS 4+ only).
The app comes with several word lists, including OWL2 for North American club and tournament Scrabble®, OSPD4 for school Scrabble®, and WWF for playing Words With Friends. It also allows you to download your own custom word lists, and create special symbols to denote words that are specific to a particular word list.
The Zyzzyva app is already a powerful tool to improve your anagramming, and more great features are currently in the works. Look for many improvements coming in the near future!