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Belugabloo Kids Bookstore 1.0.14
Screen Shots:
**BelugaBloo has been on the top 50 list for over 20 countries including USA, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Hong Kong!**
**Extensive collection of interactive stories and educational games in a single app!!**
Welcome to BELUGABLOO! We are committed to serve one sole purpose, that is to ensure our young readers take pleasure in a unique and fun learning experience. We provide an instructive and engaging platform by bringing to life a selective collection of stories through the means of creative technology.
Our apps are beautifully animated and guaranteed to a great source of entertainment for both you and your child to read through.
Specially tailored for children from 1 to 12 years old
Appealing HD illustrated scenes
Packed with comprehensive interactive games and entertainment
Accompanied by professional narration
Tuneful and stimulating background music, and sound effects
Reading modes include “Read to me”, “Read by myself”, “Autoplay”, and “Games”
User friendly navigation
Provide English, Spanish, Cantonese, and Mandarin versions.
Universal app for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch
FREE samples for you to try out before purchasing full version!
Bible Stories:
We have carefully sieved through the Old and New Testaments, selecting only the most telling biblical stories for you children, while being mindful to bring them knowledge and valuable lessons from the words of the gospel.
Each story features bible verses and a moral of the story that helps children remember and live what they learn.
Classic Stories:
Classic stories with a modern twist are what BelugaBloo has to offer. We enhance them with our pristine animation and features, bringing back to life the timeless pieces that everyone has grown up with, allow your children to indulge in them too!
Educational Games:
Why not adorn and heighten your children’s early childhood learning experience with the most up to date technology invested in educational games and quizzes.
BelugaBloo continues to extend its collections with new exciting additions every month. We boost our readers’ experience by interactive detail and original animation; it is not only to be a joy for young readers but for those who read with them. We have made it so easy and convenient you can enjoy your BelugaBloo story anytime and anywhere!
BelugaBloo also offer a platform for publishers, illustrators or simply children’s book authors to bring their works to life. We aspire to team up with blooming and renowned publishers alike to enrich and compliment their original works.
We include everything from turning your book into an eBook, adding animation and interactive features, and promoting them through a wide variety of channels. For details please visit our website at If you are interested in our services, we warmly welcome inquiries to the email and we will get back to you soon in detail.
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“BelugaBloo is not just a novelty, it is an experience.”