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Chinese Idioms Hd 3.0
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Chinese Idiom - know these, but to know why. ✠✠✠✠✠✠details
✓ the software to a new perspective, new forms show the profound Chinese language and culture,
Vividly familiar idioms have a personal story, full taste of traditional Chinese culture of tradition,
To explore a section of Chinese history and legend of the famous anecdote allusions;
✓ Each phrase is equipped with the corresponding images that both Chaochen Juesu, the ancient famous painting, originality, beautiful
Craft treasures, but also imposing appearance, vivid ancient figures, numerous scars, suffered a catastrophe of ancient artifacts, learning idioms at the same time, you
Bring beauty;
✓ Through the study of Idiom, you can find the heritage of Chinese civilization and the essence of five thousand years, the multitude of Chinese language and culture-specific connotations,
And the ancient wisdom of the ancients and the superb art treasures in the world language unique precious treasures;
✓ Through the study of Idiom, you will learn to Revival finally avenge Zionist determination, courage most drastic hampering powerful enemy,
Rooster unyielding ambition, winning strategies of the wisdom of a thousand miles, good as gold indomitable determination.
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Chinese Idiom - know these, but to know why.
✓ the software to a new perspective, new forms show the profound Chinese language and culture,
Vividly familiar idioms have a personal story, full taste of traditional Chinese culture of tradition,
To explore a section of Chinese history and legend of the famous anecdote allusions;
✓ Each phrase is equipped with the corresponding images that both Chaochen Juesu, the ancient famous painting, originality, beautiful
Craft treasures, but also imposing appearance, vivid ancient figures, numerous scars, suffered a catastrophe of ancient artifacts, learning idioms at the same time, you
Bring beauty;
✓ Through the study of Idiom, you can find the heritage of Chinese civilization and the essence of five thousand years, the multitude of Chinese language and culture-specific connotations,
And the ancient wisdom of the ancients and the superb art treasures in the world language unique precious treasures;
✓ Through the study of Idiom, you will learn to Revival finally avenge Zionist determination, courage most drastic hampering powerful enemy,
Rooster unyielding ambition, winning strategies of the wisdom of a thousand miles, good as gold indomitable determination.