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Coloring Book Farm 1.0
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This coloring book app contains several types of pencils and lovingly illustrated coloring templates. The LERNFOLIO® coloring book apps are designed to promote lifelike coloring and drawing from the beginning. Therefore it does not offer a „semi automatic feature“ to prevent coloring outside of the borders. A „semi automatic feature“ is only a short-lived success story and does not promote your child’s fine tuning development.
The innovative use of this app has been conceptualized to the effect that your child can operate it without changing dialogs. The app’s functions are displayed as colorful toy blocks.
After the artwork is completed, an option to save it to the iPad’s photo album or email it with a „touch“ is offered.
LERNFOLIO’s® coloring books are available with following topics: “First Words”, “Animals”, “Horses & Ponys” “Farm” and as a new style edition “Vehicles”.
Function Overview:
- colored templates for diverse topics
- Crayons
- Crayon blocks
- Coloring pencils
- Felt tip markers
- Eraser
- Delete option "entire sheet"
- Save the drawing to the photo album
- Send the drawing via email
- Confirmation prompt prior to deleting a sheet
The innovative use of this app has been conceptualised to the effect that your child can operate it without changing dialogues. The app’s functions are displayed as colourful toy blocks.
After the artwork is completed, an option to save it to the iPad’s photo album or email it with a „touch“ is offered.
LERNFOLIO’s® colouring books are available with following topics: “First Words”, “Animals a to Z”, “Horses & Ponys” “Farm” and as a new style edition “Vehicles”.
Function Overview:
- coloured templates
- Crayons
- Crayon blocks
- Coloured pencils
- Felt tip markers
- Eraser
- Delete option "entire sheet"
- Save the drawing to the photo album
- Send the drawing via email
- Confirmation prompt prior to deleting a sheet