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Doodlecast Pro Video Whiteboard 3.0
Screen Shots:
Doodlecast Pro is the easiest way to create presentations on your iPad. The app records your voice as you draw to create quick presentations. Doodlecast Pro saves videos to the camera roll making it easy to import them into popular video editors or presentation tools such as iMovie, Keynote, or iBooks Author. Perfect for teachers, students, business people and anyone needing an elegant way to share ideas.
Rich feature set:
• Set backgrounds and import your own images
• Support for multiple pages as well as undo and redo
• Save videos and images directly to your photo album
• Built-in support for sharing via Google Drive, Dropbox, YouTube and email
• Multiple brush and pointer styles
• Control over colours, line weight and opacity
• Take photos and quickly annotate them
• New rewind feature lets you fix mistakes quickly
Doodlecast Pro helps you create and share videos for a range of purposes:
• Prepare lessons to share with your students.
• Create video school reports on your favourite topic.
• Provide feedback on visual designs, layouts, or charts.
• Annotate charts and graphs for business presentations.
• Capture mind maps and notes during brainstorming sessions.
• Create fun animated messages to send to friends and family.
With Doodlecast Pro your work stays in your hands. No account signup required and no ominous terms of service.
The thinking that goes into presentations and brainstorming sessions is as important as the end results. Doodlecast Pro helps you capture the whole process, not just the result - making it easy to share and review your ideas.
Doodlecast Pro saves videos and images in standard formats making it easy to share or import into a variety of editing and presentation tools.