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Free Spanish Course Icaramba 2.0
Screen Shots:
***This is the LITE-version of the 'iCaramba Spanish Course'. It contains much of Lesson 1 and previews of Lesson 2 to 10. Below is the description of the full version.***
Welcome to the iCaramba Spanish Course.
This package contains Spanish Lesson 1 to 10 and will take you from "No hablo Español" to "Sí, hablo Español" in a jiffy!
Whether you want to learn basic Spanish for your vacation, or you want to seriously study the language but don't have the time to attend school, this is the course for you.
- Easy, fun and fast, yet very comprehensive (~500 pages worth of material).
- Juan, who is your animated and dancing guide!
- Listen to all phrases and words.
- Varying exercises with text, audio, and images.
- Sp-Eng Audio Dictionary included, with all the words from Lesson 1-10.
- No internet needed so you can study anywhere.
- Grammar is optional. You will still learn proper Spanish.
- Originally designed for self-studies on PC/Mac in 2003, and extensively used and improved ever since.
For more information, screenshots, full descriptions of each lessons, etc., please visit