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Kids Do Count 1.3
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In “Kids Do Count” you will find four playful activities of varying levels of difficulty. Each activity has ten scenarios to challenge, educate and entertain young children while they interact and gain familiarity with numbers one to ten.
Each scenario reinforces the number sequence in a slightly different manner. Thus allowing children to choose their favourite scenarios and playthings to aid in learning. Each activity has a range of playthings: balloons, ducks, cars, fish, frogs, helicopters, ladybugs, trains, planes, and rockets.
In the first activity (touch toys and count) children count playthings by tapping. The counting is reinforced by visual and audible feedback.
In the second and newest activity (touch toys in sequential order), children tap sequential numbers as the playthings bounce around the scene.
In the third activity (practise sequential number recognition), a sequential number is brought into the scene by a plaything, and children tap the matching number from the list above.
In the fourth play activity (number recognition in random order) a random number is brought into the scene by a plaything, and children tap the matching number from the list above.
We hope children find these activities playful and engaging, and help them to build skills and confidence.