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Lets Sing 1 Hd 1.3
Screen Shots:
Let's Sing 1 includes 16 well-known children's songs with enjoyable melodies and engaging animations. By singing with Let's Sing 1, children will improve their English pronunciation and develop a greater interest in learning.
The purpose of Let's Sing 1 is to help children learn English in a natural, fun way. All of the carefully selected songs include rhyming short phrases, so the lyrics are easy to learn. In addition, the melodies are catchy, making the songs easy for children to remember. For each song, we have designed flash cards with attractive graphics. They will make a lasting impression and reinforce what the children have learned through the songs.
As a special bonus, Let's Sing 1 has designed the challenging MINI GAME. This game lets children train their balancing abilities as they play. It's so fun that they won't even notice they're learning.
[Product Features]
● Let's Sing 1 offers 16 animated children's songs with catchy lyrics and melodies.
● Each song contains carefully chosen target words and useful daily expressions.
● Let's Sing 1 provides engaging interactive flash cards.
● The challenging MINI GAME allows children to learn English as they play.
★ Song Titles:
1. Are You Sleeping?
2. Ten Little Indians
3. Happy Birthday to You
4. Hot Potato
5. Hot Cross Buns
6. The Muffin Man
7. Star Light
8. Little Green Frog
9. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
10. Bluebird, Bluebird
11. Lazy Mary
12. The Train Is A-Coming
13. Go In and Out the Window
14. Little Peter Rabbit
15. I Caught a Fish
16. Good Night