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Scientific Names Animalia 1.4
Screen Shots:
Works on iPhone/iPod/iPad
This app is a first in series (out of 4) of Scientific Names Apps.
Warning: The 17+ rating is due to Scientific Name's Web browser that allows users to view species images, from web, within the app.
Scientific Names (SN)-Animalia app helps find the Scientific name, Common name, Origin, Found at and other information of species of kingdom Animalia. Below are the features.
1. Simple interface with a whopping 382000+ records of Kingdom: Animalia.
2. Works offline making it ideal for field trips and science camps.
3. Search for either Scientific name or Common name.
2. Detailed taxonomy hierarchy information(Kingdom ==> Phylum ==> Class ==> Order ==> Family ==> Genus ==> Subspecies ==> Species).
3. Information about Geography (Areas where animals are/were found)
4. Information about Jurisdiction(Countries responsible for the species).
5. Information about Origin(Native or Accidental or Introduced) of the species.
6. Information on how these species are commonly known in languages.
7. Information on the author who named the species and the year of naming.
7. Image search for species.(Need internet access)
8. Ability to save recent searches in search history.
9. Ability to save species information as favorites.
10. Ability to mail species information to your friends/associates.
and many more...
The great thing about scientific names is that every plant and animal has a unique name that means people all over the world can talk about the exact same species but a common name can be vague and confusing.
Scientific names-Animalia App helps find both the common and scientific name for most animals.
We hope you enjoy using this App to find the scientific name and other information of animals you are looking for. Learning the scientific name can be very useful.
A total of 382120 records to be exact
Roadmap ( Upcoming features in future updates )≈
1. Updates to database.
2. Advanced search ( Filter on Geographic location, Origin, Author, Jurisdiction ).