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The Word Zoo 3.0
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Early years learning is incredibly important in giving your children the best head start in their education but sometimes children just refuse to learn, find it difficult or just find books boring, many parents find that their children dislike reading from books , and find it difficult to get their children motivated to learn. As a responsible parent you want the best for your children and want to help them fulfil their potential by laying down solid foundations for a bright future. The Word Zoo series is a fun, entertaining and interactive way to encourage children to learn by giving them the building blocks for their first 100 key words within a fun environment where they learn through play.
The Word Zoo is a series of 10 colour coded books that will help your child learn their first 100 key words, each book contains 10 key words and each book pushes your child's learning capability a little further. As you progress through the series the words become slightly more difficult but the learning curve is deliberately gentle and words learnt in previous stages are reinforced in following books building up a comprehensive vocabulary following national curriculum achievements and goals for reception year children key Stage 1, where children are encouraged to develop an interest and pleasure in reading, learning to read confidently and independently focusing on words and sentences.
Work with your child to explore The Word Zoo, learning new words and meeting new characters like Arthur and Martha the Zoo Keepers and all the other people who work in the Zoo looking after the animals and visitors. Discover what they do and help them look after the animals, and The Word Zoo has some very strange and funny animals, this is not and ordinary Zoo as you shall see.
If you think that The Word Zoo is helpful and assisted your child in learning their first 10 key words then please help us develop further educational resource projects by rating this product.
Parents and guardians are encouraged to read with their children.