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Leprechaun Composite Sketch 1.1
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A creature in Irish mythology or a friend you see each time you visit your neighborhood pub, a leprechaun is said to be a male faerie who lives on the island of Ireland. They are said to have lived in Ireland working as cobblers prior the arrival of the Celts.
Leprechauns usually take the form of old men who enjoy partaking in mischief. According to legend you can find their pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. If anyone keeps their eye fixed upon one, he cannot escape. Only if your gaze is withdrawn or if you look away, he can vanish without a trace, taking his treasure with him.
Most tales and stories of leprechauns portray them as generally harmless creatures although mischievous and they loves to play tricks on unsuspected victims.
Perhaps you have seen one of these wealthy spirited little Irishmen. Could it of been during the last St. Patrick Day celebration. When it comes time to describe what he looks like to your non-Irish friends, now you can use “Leprechaun Composite Sketch” to just that.
Simply touch each composite and drag it onto the face to complete your sketch. Just be careful not to blink or he just may disappear forever and take his pot of gold with him.
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