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Area 52 Escape 0.9
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Looking for great first person shooter? Look no further!
Area 52 is a humorous first person shooter (FPS) in a classic retro graphic style and feel that runs FAST and SMOOTH.
You are a janitor at a super secret government research facility and something has gone very wrong! Aliens are running rampant throughout the facility - can you stop them before its too late?
Area 52 Game features:
-Fast paced first person action!
-Intuitive and fluid controls so you can focus on the FUN!
-Multiple alien enemies each with their own personalities!
-An arsenal of weapons to find including your trusty janitor mop!
-Unique experimental and alien artifact power-ups!
The Free Version includes
Chapter 0 - A three (3) level adventure into Area 52!
The Full-version includes
Chapter 1 - A ten (10) level adventure into Area 52!
- 8 Challenging primary levels to kick alien butt!
- 1 Super Secret Level to seek out for the ultimate rewards!
- 1 Big Boss Level to put you to the test with an Alien Boss!
PLUS all Full Version Owners Receive:
- Free updates to all future Chapter releases via updates
- More bosses, weapons, and aliens released in free updates
- Future chapters will include new levels and other additional content
Join the GameMonger community at
- Discuss and contribute ideas to future updates
- Enter contests to win a place in our games and gaming history!
- Learn tips and tricks for unique strategies in Area 52 and other games!
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