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Bounce Fighter Lite 1.1.2
Screen Shots:
Bounce the ball and destroy a large crowd of enemies.
The new style science fiction shooting game!
* Story
A large crowd of unknown enemies has appeared from the outer space.
The human's last hope "BOUNCE FIGHTER" has started its movement to protect the earth!
* Flick the ball and destroy the enemies!
The controls are easy.
Touch inside the ring around the ball and flick to the aiming direction.
The enemies are destroyed when they have crashed by the ball.
(The ring disappears after flicking the ball, but appears again after a while)
* Defeat the enemies before the time limit!
The enemy gauge bar reduces by destroying the enemies.
The player ball never breaks down, but you lose if the time runs out and the enemy gauge bar is still left.
By destroying the enemies repeatedly, the combo panel appears and earns the bonus score.
The remaining time also adds up to score after clearing the stage.
You can play the same stage repeatedly and aim for the high score.
* Destroy the enemy boss!
The boss stage appears at the end of each theme.
The objective of the boss stage is to defeat the enemy boss.
* Easy controls, but very deep!
The player ball changes its speed according to the flicking speed.
Good flicking control is required for the good ball movement.
Some enemies drop items.
Use the item effect well to complete the stage.
You can also touch and wait at a point and catch the player ball.
* Lite version limitation
You can play 5 stages in the Lite version.