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Limit Escape Game 2.6.1
Screen Shots:
"LIMIT" is a 3D maze game to be able to enjoy in iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad.
The stage is lined with the server data center.
Get the password in time to escape to the next stage!
Various items in the maze (maps, lights, speed, etc.) and falls.
- Game Story
You are a manager of the NATIONAL CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION DataCenter.
When you work in the DataCenter, you were lost an ID-Card to use by an elevator of the DataCenter, and you have been shut in in DataCenter.
You remember that there is the password server of the elevator in each floor of the DataCenter and continue walking the DataCenter in search of a password server.
"LIMIT" is a 3D maze game to be able to enjoy in iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad.
- Game Story
You are a manager of the NATIONAL CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION DataCenter.
When you work in the DataCenter, you were lost an ID-Card to use by an elevator of the DataCenter, and you have been shut in in DataCenter.
You remember that there is the password server of the elevator in each floor of the DataCenter and continue walking the DataCenter in search of a password server.
You get away from each floor of the DataCenter with an elevator before a time limit.
You hack the password of the elevator in search of the RED-PASSWORD-SERVER of each floor.
Illumination of DataCenter turns off the light automatically in two minutes.
After you hacked password, the illumination turns on for two minutes.
Various items drop on the floor.
Please get away from each floor using an item.
-How to Play
Tap mode:
When you tap the arrow displayed in the bottom of the screen, right and left can turn.
You can turn 180 degrees when you tap the arrow at the right and left same time.
If you tap the place except the button of the screen then you advance forward.
You can coordinate eyes with a slider in the screen right side.
When you pick up the item that drop on the floor, please you move the right side slider down then "Get" button is displayed.
*Sometimes "Get" button is not displayed. (You can't get the item.)
When you tap an "Item" button, a list of your items is displayed.
When you tap a "Jump" button, you can jump up on the floor.
Motion mode:
When you inclined iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad , you advance to the inclined direction.
You can set the calibration of the position of the main body by a "Setting" menu.
When you tapped the Calibration button, you ruin the main body in top and bottom right and left, and please you check that a green arrow is displayed.
You can coordinate eyes with a slider in the screen right side.
When you pick up the item that drop on the floor, please you move the right side slider down then "Get" button is displayed.
*Sometimes "Get" button is not displayed.(You can't get the item.)
When you tap an "Item" button, a list of your items is displayed.
When you tap a "Jump" button, you can jump up on the floor.
The RED-PASSWORD-SERVER is displayed in a red marker on the scope.
A green marker showing an "EXIT" is displayed by the scope after you got the password.
When you use the "Jump", you can watch the placement of the server.
This game consist of 15 stages.
When you stop a game, you can continue a game from the beginning of you stopped stage.