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Bubbles Catcher 1.1.2
Screen Shots:
Bubbles Catcher is a simple and highly addictive game that you can play anywhere, any time. All you need is your iDevice, a free hand and the drive to catch the falling bubbles. It's really easy to do it: just tilt the device and Bubby will get them for you.
In this game you need to help Bubby catch all the falling bubbles and axolotls with the help of his best buddy, Paul the Octopus. If Bubby misses an object, a fast move with Paul will make it start bouncing all over the stage, giving Bubby another chance to catch it. Piranhas will also help Bubby by eating objects stacked over his head. Some bubbles will give Bubby extra lives so try not to miss them! Also you need to watch out for threatening barrels that evil boats are dropping on Bubby's world!
How deep in the ocean do you think you can take Bubby and Paul?
Some game features
+ Arcade and Survival modes
+ Easy, Normal and Hard difficulty levels available for free.
+ Leaderboards, achievements and challenges through OpenFeint integration.
+ Challenging bonus stages
+ Accelerometer playing style
+ Touch Joystick controls alternative
+ Charming Graphics, Music and SFXs
Please, buy the full version if you enjoyed playing BubblesCatcher. Support Indie Games!!!