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Caver 0.8.1
Screen Shots:
Caver is based on a black&white game I played years ago on a Palm...
The difference: my game uses the Diamonds g-sensor to navigate your ball through the cave...
- Online Highscore list!
- Different difficulty levels. - Build your own levels simply by creating png files! (a howto will follow - but I think it's pretty self-explanatory... just look in the gfx/Level 1 folder and build your own levels according to my example level... and don't forget: POST THEM HERE!! The levels don't have to be black and white... everything that's white is a valid zone for the ball.)
- Highscore list.
- Calibration of g-sensor.
Todo list:
- Special zones where you get more points.
- Obstacles you have to fire in order to pass.
- Adding options to adjust the tilt sensor sensitivity for non-online highscore mode.
Caver uses the g-sensor control of Koushik Dutta , so thank him, too, if you like the game because without his work it wouldn't be possible for me to develop g-sensor games...