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Crazy Doctor Free Kids Game 33.13
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After the enormous success of Nail Doctor, GameiMax has arrived with Crazy Doctor. Kids will learn basic medical treatment with fun while they play this game.
Inside the game did you see that people with painful expression? They are not feeling well due to some pain in their body. You have to behave like a real doctor and help those people to get relief from pain. Four patients are waiting for treatment. As the patient enter, first apply basic treatment such as check heartbeat, blood pressure and body temperature. Then you can see there is some problem with his eyes because it's looking radish so treat it by eye drops. Then scan patient's body using x-ray machine, find wrecked bones and cover it with plaster to fix them. Funniest thing is that you can paint plaster by colorful pencil. Make the patients happy by giving proper treatment.
Injection is used to be done in pill form or through it.
Pus remover is used to remove pus.
Cotton is used to remove a blood and remove wounds.
Ice is used for remove swelling
X-ray is used to scan your toe.
Painkiller-Spay is used to relief from toe pain.
Colorful and funky bandage for injured part
Cream for saving injured part from infection.
Plaster is used to recover wrecked bones from injury.
It's really a very addictive game for kids.