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Disc Drivin 2.8
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Disc Drivin’ is fun, social, turn-based racing! Race against your friends at your own pace with the swipe of your finger. Use awesome powers and avoid hazards on beautiful tracks with full 3D physics!
• Touch Arcade
"Disc Drivin' is a total blast to play... The gameplay is just so satisfying, and the turn-based nature fits into a busy lifestyle"
• 148 Apps - ** Editor's Choice **
"Disc Drivin’ is easily one of the most addictive games I have ever played on iOS."
• Slide To Play - ** 4 out of 4 (Must Have) **
"Few multiplayer games have drawn us in like Disc Drivin’... Pick up Disc Drivin’, tell your friends to do the same, and start your finger-flicking engines."
• The APPera - ** Best iPhone Games 2010 **
"If you haven't heard of this game, all that will change this year."
• AppAdvice - ** 4 Stars (Should Buy) **
"One of the more entertaining social games to hit the App Store as of late."
• Easy, fun, swipe controls to propel your disc
• Full 3D physics
• Activate powers during your turn like turbo boost, bombs, and oil slicks
• Unique obstacles in each track such as bumpers, barriers, and ramps
• Replay last turn of each player
• Lots of unique tracks in 4 different environments
• Beautiful retina display graphics
• Customize your disc decal and color
• Play-at-your-own-pace, turn-based multiplayer
• Play up to 20 simultaneous online games
• Challenge your friends and random opponents
• Up to 4 players in online games
• Play locally with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or pass-and-play on a single device with up to 8 players
• Chat in-game with your friends
• Push notifications when it is your turn