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French4kids 2.0
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French4Kids is a great way to introduce children to French through interactive game play. Through graphics of well known French places and classical French words, your child will learn words for a variety of colors, numbers, animals and fruits. It is suitable for anyone from 4 years and older, who would like to begin learning French.
Similar to Fun4Kids, this game reinforces the same subjects and words, with an important difference: children begin to become familiar with famous French sites, such as the Eiffel tower, the Seine Pont Alexander III, and La Gran Roue (Ferris Wheel). They also hear the classic French language from Avignon, free of accent or dialect.
They learn French the way they learn their first language, through pictures and sounds, as well as intuitive association. Getting from one game to another is easy, and every time your children succeed, this game rewards them with joyful animation, celebrating their success. While it is important to play the learning games, it is equally important to reinforce their good work with cartwheels, marching and encouraging words in French.
Three games are matching games. When the first tile is turned over, your child will hear the name of the color. There is no text. Just sight and sound. Just the way mother teaches her children. When the screen of six colors is matched, the child is rewarded by an animation.
The next game matches fruit, and the third game matches fruit with color, adding another level of vocabulary and intuition.
The game of animals matches animal sounds with animal pictures. In the beginning, the child hears the sound of the animal first, and then the name. When the correct match is chosen, the name is reinforced, and a reward animation begins.
This game is created by a family. Grandad is a programmer. And grandma is an illustrator and web designer. The rest of the family works in quality assurance, and product development. We have watched and learned from our children as they have grown up with new words and ideas, and, most importantly, our children have become our testing department. So we know you will enjoy French4Kids.
Our thanks to Elizabeth and Pierre Pacqueu who sailed from France to the Caribbean on their sailboat 'Iodl.' They graciously provided the french speech we recorded in Grenada and used in this app (if you listen really closely you can hear the tropical frogs singing in the background).