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Irollercoaster 2 2.5
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iRollerCoaster 2 is the ultimate roller coaster simulation game!
* Now you can build your own tracks! *
45 Total Tracks, plus a random track generator! Amusement parks feature:
- Normal Roller Coasters
- Inverted Roller Coasters
- Log Rides / Log Flume
Ride perfectly engineered realistic roller coaster tracks all over the world. The goal of the game is to focus on the track, it sounds simple, but it is very difficult to master. You can compete in real-time online competitions for high scores. You can have fun in your own summer theme park whenever you want! You can even select your own seat in the roller coaster!
Ride world-class tracks in the following cities:
- Orlando, Florida
- Sandusky, Ohio
- Rome, Italy
- Shanghai, China
- Monte Carlo, Monaco
- Williamsburg, Virginia
- Cape Town, South Africa
- London, England
- Zermatt, Switzerland
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Los Angeles, California
- Canberra, Australia
- Paris, France
- Tokyo, Japan
- Atlantic City, New Jersey
*Warning* iRollerCoaster 2 does not feature emergency brakes, backup generators, or shutoff valves. The cars could spiral out of control; causing nausea, whiplash, or sudden death.
Our roller coasters use a realistic lift hill cable to pull the cars to the peak of the track. Once the cars reach the peak, potential energy accumulated by the rise in height transfers to kinetic energy and the cars race downwards. Some energy is lost to friction on the track itself. The effects of gravity are taken into account to increase speed and accelerations accurately. You can experience several G's of force on high-speed turns!
iRollerCoaster features:
- Advanced OpenGL graphics
- Music and sound effects
- Online high score database
- High-resolution textures
- Made for iPhone 4, iPad, iPhone 3G, 3Gs, and iPod Touch (all versions)
iRollerCoaster 2 is brought to you by the makers of World Winter Games and iBASEjump.
Have fun with iRollerCoaster 2 and enjoy the ride!