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Just 1 Level Free 1.1
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Most games have lots of levels. They get progressively harder, but the rules always stay the same.
In Just 1 Level, the opposite is true. There's just one level, but the rules change!
In Just 1 Level Free, you get the entire game of Just 1 Level for FREE! All 60 episodes, everything! AD FREE!
*** THANK YOU ***
#1 Free Strategy game in the US!
#10 Free Game in the US!
*** THE STORY ***
The princess has been imprisoned! It is up to her pet dragon Dennis to save her.
*** HOW TO PLAY ***
Normally, tapping will move Dennis. But remember: the rules change! Swiping, holding, and tilting will get you the rest of the way!
* Beautiful high resolution graphics for iPhone 4!
* 60 unique episodes! In each episode, figure out the rules and save the princess!
* Only for iOS devices! Just 1 Level is a game that could only be played on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad! Play using touch, multitouch, and the accelerometer!
* 15 level skins for your viewing pleasure!
* 6 songs for your listening pleasure!
* Surprise episodes that will make you smile!
* Lovable characters!
"Just 1 Level is strikingly entertaining, and far more challenging than you might initially think. For $0.99, this is a sure-fire “bang for your buck” title which utilizes its simplistic qualities to its advantage." --
"This game is amazing! It's so fun, you are trying to figure out what to do on each level it's a BLAST!" -- Softballmaniac98, United States
"You won't be let down with this game. Yes, you have to use some brain power, but it's so worth it. The graphics are so perfect and colorful you just won't put the game down." -- Shannie92, United States
"A cheery little game with enough variety to hold its own as one level. Delightful graphics add to the feel" -- Colinmo, Australia
If you're tired of the same old same old, give Just 1 Level a try!
It's unlike anything else in the App Store!