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Kill The Fly Hd 1.2
Screen Shots:
*****5/5 - "Obama trained with this game" (Japanzone games)
*** 4/5 - "Killing fly's have never been such fun" (Touchreviews)
*** 4/5 - "In the end, there’s really only one sentence I can recommend in advice. As wise master Xou Han says, with the gravest of sageness, KILL THEM ALL." (AppStruck)
*** 3.5/5 - "A simple game that you'll enjoy if you like quick sessions" (Ecetia)
*** 3.5/5 - "Kill the Fly's replay value is enormous!" (JmobiL)
You can watch the video of the game at
Defend the crap and prevent the flies from eating it while you discover as different enemies as bumblebees, light flies and the fearsome kamikaze flies, which, stuffed with dynamite, will try to blow up your crap to pieces!
You will have a series of special weapons to fight the hordes of flies that will threaten you, like a bug spray, a fly swatter, an electric trap and the sexy fly.
In massacre mode, you will not have to bother about saving the crap, as here, the only important things are your reflexes and your fly-killer instinct!. And get ready for the best: by earning points, a meter will be loaded, giving you the tempting possibility of shaking your iPhone/iPod Touch, which will smash everything that breathes, even arriving to splash your screen! Smile, it’s your moment!
Will you be able to save the poor and helpless crap? It counts on you, do not disappoint it!
Be brave enough to advance by 16 levels in 4 different scenarios with 3 degrees of difficulty while you discover the surprises hidden in each scenario, like soft areas where you will not be able to splash the flies, or sharp traps that you should avoid!