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Knights Arcade 1.0
Screen Shots:
The courage of a knight is matched only by the weight of his armor. Shoot some knights with pirate pistols and cowboy style. Now bigger, better, and stronger for the iPad!
Be it by sea, land, or space, you must defend yourself in this touch shooter against an infinite torrent of brusque, armored gentlemen.
#14 in Kids!
#33 in Arcade!
-3 Worlds!
-Infinite Levels!
-New soundtrack!
-Sometimes lasers!
Remember to rate and review: positive input is great incentive to add new features!
"An affront to all things civil." - Sir Kenneth of Brannagh
"The worst sort of sorcery." - Lord Duke of Earl
"If I could find this game's creator, I wouldst certainly duel him. And destroy him. This be the most defamatory display of anti-Knight heresy since the last Crusade." - The Honorable Sir Flatulence