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Knightyknight 1.0.2
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Ah, the middle ages, harking back to yore. A time of honour, chivalry and brutal, gladiatorial combat!
Enter the jousting arena and sample the joys of thrusting a variety of finely crafted, period* armaments into the face of thine enemies, safe in the knowledge that it’s merely a whimsical videogame.
Little negative side effects (beyond the infrequent urge to cry “have at thee” at random strangers before galloping toward them in the manner of Arthur, King of the Britons) will befall thee.
Put thy friends to the sword as well!
Designed to be enjoyed together, challenge thy friends to a Bluetooth mêlée. Laugh at the amusing dialogue together, marvel at the spectacle of ye olde tournament together, all while attempting to bludgeon each other in the face…
(For legal reasons we’re obliged to emphasise that any bludgeoning should be performed in game, Billy Goat Entertainment Ltd does not endorse violence preformed outside the digital interactive medium)
“Winners don’t use drugs”