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The Chess Lv.100
Screen Shots:
The Chess has 100 adjustable playing levels based on the engine
"Crazy Bishop" with very high quality graphics!
Adjustable playing strength from 100 levels!
You can choose the strength of the computer from 258 to 2300 in ELO rating.
Level 1 is extremely weak, and Level 100 is extremely difficult to beat!
The Chess has 100 different levels of play from beginner to expert!
Challenge to win medals by defeating computer!
You will be rewarded new board style and pieces design by collecting medals.
•Adjustable playing strength from 100 levels!
•Human vs Computer, Human vs Human (sharing a single device)
•Computer gives your level evaluation by ELO rating in rating mode, very useful for tracking your progress
•Enter and analyze any position you like in edit mode
•Hint facility to improve your game
•Review mode during a game
•Save/Load game records
•Supporting PGN file for both reading and writing
•Enable to view full game history in the game record and restart game from the selected move, which should be very practical for improving your chess
•Autosaves your current game
Copyright © UNBALANCE Corporation / Rémi Coulom