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Ladybug Tree Hd Kids Bug Catching And Countin... 1.0
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Ladybug Tree HD
Kids Bug Catching & Counting Game
Kids of all ages love to catch bugs!
This game is very simple to learn, but nearly impossible to master. Tap on a ladybug in the tree and drag it into the jar. That's all there is to it. There is no playing defense or complex puzzles to figure out. Kids love it! The number of ladybugs caught is counted out loud by a friendly child's voice and displayed in an extra large font.
Think this game is only for kids? The lower levels of this game may be just for young children, but try catching the supercharged ladybugs in game levels 15-20. It will bring back memories of your bug catching days.
Pre-school and toddler education for little bug lovers:
Fine motor skill development
Counting skills (counting goes up to 20)
Number recognition
Counting by 1's
Counting by 2's
Counting by 3's
Counting by 4's
Counting by 5's
Counting by 6's
Counting by 7's
Counting by 8's
Counting by 9's
Counting by 10's
**Counting by different values is a great first step to learning times tables and multiplication
This is a great game for kids in the car, in the airplane, at a restaurant, or anywhere kids may get bored.
A best time is stored for each of the game’s 20 levels, so you can race against the clock to beat your best times.