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Learn To Draw Graffiti Art 1.01
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Learn to Draw: Cool Street Graffiti is a unique Android app that teaches you how to draw Hip-Hop symbol, Music word, Urban style, Graffiti word, Bomb painting step-by-step! Drawing is considered to be very complex. You won’t believe how easy it can be with this app. This app is suitable for teaching yourself and your kids how to draw, a great tool for art educators, and a fun activity that family and friends can do together!
The Learn to Draw apps includes a large collection of drawings on any subject. You are sure to find what you really want!
The way the How to Draw: Hip Hop Graffiti Style tutorials work is simple. You choose a tutorial from the list that you want to draw. You then mimic each step to draw what you choose. You can take the app wherever you go and draw on your medium of choice. Drawing paper, chalkboard, sidewalk—it’s up to you!
The following is a list of the features that you can expect with the Draw: Street Art Graffiti apps:
• Free to use!
• Portable, easy to use!
• A large collection of designs for drawing like: Old School word, Underground symbol, Freestyle word, BMX style, Wanted sign!
• Easy 10 - 30 steps tutorials for each drawing!
• 3-level rating system (easy, normal, hard) for each design. Choose your skill level!
• Option to go back to a previous step or skip ahead—learn at your own pace!
• On screen draw mode. You can follow step by step instruction right on your screen!
• Zoom mode!
Try our Learn to Draw app today!