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Meghans Matching Game Deluxe 2.0
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Like a classic memory game, the idea is for the player to remember the position of the words that have been revealed on previous turns. Meghan’s Matching Game Deluxe contains over 1,000 spelling words (including the complete Dolch's Sight Word List). It is a great game to develop attention, learn new words or just to keep your mind sharp.
Meghan’s Matching Games are designed to teach the reading, spelling and recognition of the most common words your child will come across in daily reading activities. As cards are selected the word is reveled and spoken aloud.
- Great for summer skill development
- Audio and visual presentation of words
- Contains the complete Dolch / Sight word list
- Develops reading and word recognition
The game begins as your child is instructed to find matching pairs of words, and to develop attention and reading skills, a real voice announces the word your child selects.
When a word match is made Meghan encourages your child with positive reinforcement phrases like “Good Job” and “Awesome”.
5 STARS - “This app entertains like any old memory game where you match things hiding behind squares....But the things are words your kid ought to know, so it drills in fast, automatic recognition. All about better reading” – Pater’s Picks