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Ninja Words Adventure Lite 1.1.2
Screen Shots:
A quiz RPG to learn Japanese Kanji with pleasure!
Recommended to Kanji fan English readers.
Lite version finishes at the end of Chapter 2.
For the Japanese readers, this is also
a great game to learn English words naturally.
Try and experience the amazing speed that
you learn new English words.
*** Advance the story! ***
A boy called Sky is a Ninja fan who came over from USA.
His objective is to enter the Ninja school in Japan.
Sky gets picked up by a girl called Ayame,
who is a far relative of him.
In fact, Ayame is a senior student of the Ninja school too.
They have decided to go to the Ninja school together.
However, a serious trouble has happened at the Ninja school.
Sky and Ayame have started their journey to solve the trouble.
*** The battle against mysterious Ninjas! ***
Enemy Ninjas appear on the way of the journey.
Fight against them using the item "Spell Ball",
which has the Ninja skill inside.
To use a "Spell Ball", you need to answer
the English word that the Kanji means.
It is possible to attack when you answer correctly.
The "Skill Ball" that enemies use appears as English words.
You can defend it by answering the correct Kanji of the word.
*** Win the battle and get "Spell Balls"! ***
When you win the battle, you learn Ninja skills
that the enemy used as "Spell Balls".
(You won't learn it unless you answer the question correctly)
*** Defeat strong Ninjas with special skills! ***
As the story progress, you get special Ninja skills,
which activate by combining 2 or more "Spell Balls".
Defeat strong enemy bosses by activating special Ninja skills.
*** Comical characters ***
There are many comical characters,
including the main characters, Sky and Ayame.
Their comical action performs entertaining
event scenes inside the story.