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Obliteration Hd 3.2
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It’s been 10 years since Zombies first appeared, laying waste to everything. Those lucky enough to be away from the main continents were able to regroup in Greenland and survive.
The time has come to rebuild. Your job is to demolish all areas with a heavy zombie population. Using your targeting software, you must level each city so it lies below the ‘Red Zone’ so the ground forces can come in and clear the area.
* 40 levels spread across 8 stages
* GameCenter - leaderboards for each stage
* Physics based destruction
* Tiny Tiny Zombies!
* Tap anywhere to drop a bomb.
* Tap again to explode the bomb, or let it hit the ground.
* Get the 'city height' (white) line below the 'red zone' (red) line to complete each level.
* You get a score bonus for knocking building pieces into the sky or off the screen.
* Bombs are affected by the direction and speed of the wind. Pay attention to the clouds!