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Quantum Legacy Hd 2.4.0
Screen Shots:
BRAND NEW UPDATE: with new JAW-DROPPING RETINA GRAPHICS for iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C and iPad with Retina display, as well as new ON-RAILS action in the next generation arcade-style 3D SHMUP that is Quantum Legacy HD! Pilot one of 4 unique spaceships during your 3+ hour ON-RAILS journey through 20 action-packed ON-RAILS SHMUP missions filled with breathtaking cinematic game play and highly stylized storytelling, EXCLUSIVELY on the iOS! Featuring:
• Brand New SHMUP DLC: offers a new playable drop-ship, 50% faster SHMUP-style game-play, new level variations, new graphics/effects, new AI, plus a never before experienced speed and finger-twitch ON-RAILS intensity worthy of a next-gen 3D Space SHMUP!
• Enjoy Simple and Intuitive Controls: tilt your iOS device left/right to steer your ship manually while providing an opportunity for a skillful avoidance of enemy projectiles.
• Alternatively, for a casual ON-RAILS experience: forgo tilting and simply tap your enemies to engage the Auto Pilot while controlling your shields and weapons with a smooth 2-button interface.
• Bright and awe-inspiring JAW-DROPPING SHUMP graphics with highly polished game play will take your breath away! For the first time ever, Quantum Legacy HD provides you with full native retina support on the iPhone 5, and iPad with Retina display.
• 20 story-oriented SHUMP campaign missions offer over 3 hours of action-packed SHMUP-style game play.
• Face more than 25 different types of enemies, including unique Gigantic Bosses in every mission.
• RPG Style Progression System allows you to FREELY acquire, pilot and level-up 4 unique starships (including a brand new drop-ship) while unlocking over 16 different types of shield and weapon upgrades.
• 5 Brand new In-App Purchases allow you to skip the RPG grind and instantly acquire any of the playable ships! In addition, you can Restore your existing purchases to unlock content on multiple iOS devices.
• Game Center support: with 6 SHUMP-DLC Leaderboards and 21 elusive SHUMP Achievements that demand an additional 10+ hours of game play.
• Over 40 minutes of original music was created to accompany your Quantum Legacy HD experience.
• Highly Stylized and Action-Oriented Storytelling is told through the com-sat radio of your starship, with full voice-overs for the game's array of quirky characters.
• SHUMP AI with Dynamic Difficulty and Randomized Enemy Waves: provide for a near endless replay value, as the enemies constantly change and adapt to your style of game play each time you engage an existing mission.
>> Game Play Basics:
Steer your ship manually by tilting your device left and right, or tap your enemies to engage the ON-RAILS "Autopilot". To maximize damage, it is best to be facing your enemies directly before pressing the right "Weapons/Fire" button. Holding the left "Shield" button will allow you to deflect all enemy projectiles. Prolonged use of the Weapons/Shields will cause a temporary overload. Note that it is NOT possible to fire your weapons while Shields are active until you level-up your starship and unlock Translucent Shielding at Level 5.
Successfully completing each mission will unlock new game content while allowing you to level-up in an RPG-like fashion. Completing missions 5, 10 and 15 will allow you to FREELY acquire one of 4 unique playable starships.
>> IN THE PRESS: What others are saying about Quantum Legacy:
- "this is the evolution of the space shooter game."
- "... you’d be hard-pressed to find any space shooter that matches Quantum Legacy’s level of quality."
- "One of the best 2 button games on the iOS." -TouchArcade Forums.
YouTube game play trailer: