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Santa in The valley of Gifts!
S.I.V.G is a Christmas Story Themed fun Santa Claus Game, hope you'll love it.
Hmm… hi!
Quite a Time back, When i was sleeping, I dreamt a beautiful place, a deep valley with beautiful sceneries and surprisingly a lot of gifts and yeah! SANTA CLAUS. And Thought of, Lets create a movie out of it. "Do i really!!! ???", "umm…. naaah too expensive", "well aha.. Lets try to shape it into a fun game.", "Good idea..!", I said.
Not the complete dream is here but quite a part of it, in this game. Okay, Let me tell you the Story here only…
As we always start a story like "Once upon a..", So… I saw, Once Upon a time, when Santa arrived his place, he found all his gifts and sweets were missing,
that he wanted to distribute to the kids. What happened?? let me tell you. An Evil had stolen all those gifts and sweets, before Santa actually arrive there.
He felt very sad, as the Christmas was just the next day and he had no gifts to distribute. Surprisingly, "as anything could happen in a dream", a FAIRY dropped to the place and checked the situation. And… And what happened next!! Aahhaaa.. go play the game read the full story yourself.
★ Incredibly fun and endless game-play
★ Day and Night Mode
★ Snow Fall
★ Bombs, Lasers and other Magic Powers
★ Collect Various Gifts
★ Explode your Enemies (KABOOOMM...!!!)
★ Grab Bonus
★ Very Pleasing sound tracks (You'll love to hear again and again :) )
★ Fun and addicting game
(-: MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year :-)