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Snake And Ladder Reloaded 1.0
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Feel the thrill of playing a classic board game!!!
‘Snake and Ladder’ is a very simple game whose see-sawing nature makes it popular especially with children. The game does not need any specific skill to play. It gives you a very relaxed feel throughout the game.
Each player strives to take his avatar from the first to the last square (100th), using the score rolled in a dice. Ladders help you race through the game, but beware of snakes which may even pull you down to a point from where you have started the game.
You could play this game against your pocket device or another human player.
The jungle theme, animated avatars and a selection of boards in this new version is sure to give you a different playing experience each time.
So sit down, relax and enjoy the fun of climbing up the ladder, sliding down through the snake and knocking out your opponent.
Good Luck and Happy Gaming !!
- iPhoneTeam at Travancore Analytics