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Sushi Chef Mania 1.0.4
Screen Shots:
Sushi chef mania is very fun, rich and creative Japanese sushi restaurant dinning game.
The game combines with 6 beautiful characters that would be your lovely and valuable costumers and many more other features.
Enormous menu receipts is provided for you to cook the desirable delicate sushi dishes.
99 levels will challenge your performance as a beginner Chef that will eventually transform you to be the best Japanese sushi chef in the town.
Invite costumers to dine in your beautiful sushi restaurant, after the costumer will enter the restaurant tap on the menu so the costumer will make an order of his beloved sushi dish, then tap on the receipts book to observe the ingredients what is necessary for the creation of the ordered dish.
Tap on all the necessary ingredients that is needed for preparing the sushi dish, then tap on the rolling Mat with the prepared ingredients to finish the sushi dish, it will then appear on the moving table and will be rolled to the costumer.
As soon the ingredients will be finished tap on the phone to order more needed ingredients, you can order one ingredient at the time.
You have to be quick in serving your costumers because they are very hungry and inpatients, if costumer will leave without being served you will get fined.
Use Google game center leader boards and open new achievements by passing and winning the levels.
Please observe and study how to play screens that will explain you in details how to you play correctly and how to earn your biggest stuck of cash.
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