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Terror Attack Mission 25 11 1.1
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Terror Attack Mission 25/11 is One of the best Shooting Game for Android. The theme of the game is based on a horrible terror attack of 21st century. You are a brave member of anti-terrorist commando force and this game enables you to lead the commando raid. Your mission is to fight against ruthless terrorists who has hijacked our property, plane, buses, airport and buildings, and are using explosive trucks and suicide bombers to threatened the city. The fight has begun, select the more powerful and advanced gun of your choice, locate your target, take aim and go for the perfect killing while avoiding unarmed civilians. Slide your finger across the screen to move the gun point and kill all of them. Each new level gives you a new mission, take down all terrorists in one level to go to the next mission. Accuracy of enemy gun point increases with each mission. This is a man to man encounter and you should be brave to face the terrorists who are trained in modern warfare.
* One of the best Shooting Game for Android.
* Theme based on a horrible terror attack of 21st century.
* This game enables you to lead the commando raid.
* Multiple gun selection option.
* Randomized game play no two missions are same.
* Rescue the hijacked property, plane, buses, airport and buildings.
* Destroy the explosive trucks and suicide bombers.
* Save the unarmed civilians.
* Each new level gives a new mission.
* Accuracy of enemy gun point increases with each new mission.
* Man to man encounter with modern warfare trained terrorist.