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WarChesst - Battle of Britain HD Edition is a free level of arcade styled Chess (from the makers of the Acclaimed WarChess Solo) celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain. This Special Edition single level mimics the great battle over the English Channel, just over the white cliffs of Dover. Battle as the British or Germans to dominate the skies !!! Features include: -3D WW2 depiction of the Battle of Britain - Full 3D rendition of scenes and Units with visual FX - Random Combat - 3 Levels of AI difficulty suitable for most levels of player - Single player mode vs AI - Turn based Two player mode (human vs human) - Amazing audio and 3D Spatial sound - Helper Mode to show novices where pieces can move - Swap between Chess and Military Insignias for unit recognition. - Rules of chess (and controls) included in an animated visual tutorial. - Additional content coming soon Get the full version of WARCHESST SOLO and experience levels including full 3D environments and units ranging from land, sea and air combining random battle sequences, delivering the ultimate chess combat experience.