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Who Knew
Screen Shots:
Fast paced and fact based.
Who Knew? is a different kind of trivia game, one based on learning new and exciting facts - rather than parroting common sense knowledge in exchange for the highest score possible. Enjoy our beautifully clutter-free visual experience and an originally recorded soundtrack as you test your knowledge against 500 questions designed to make you stop and say "hmmmmm".
- Turns out we may have forgotten to make the background music loop. It totally does that now.
- Added a volume level slider in the Settings menu.
- In order to provide the best game experience possible, we've elected to remove all ads and instead move forward with a $.99 price point. This will allow us to allocate resources into building more categories and expanding the existing questions. To all of our early adopters: "Thank you! Enjoy the game on us. There will be no need to ever pay $.99 to continue playing our game or to download any future updates."