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Wily Bills Memorace 1.1
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Wily Bill’s brain strain
There are numerous types of memory games from the simple 12- card ones to those with animal figures of a hundred, a reminiscence of our childhood.
This time you can get to know a new and more exciting version of this popular game. We have the ideal board game for long journeys, social get-togethers with family and friends brought to you by the wiz kid Wily Bill. He was rightfully known as a slick poker player by western legends, whose favourite pastime was this upbeat and thrilling game named after him.
The style designed for iPad resembles the old West with its cool elements. During the memory game two players can put their reflexes, tactics and memory to the test in various game modes. It’s not simply about turning up two cards. Depending on the level of difficulty we have to keep in mind the position of three, four or what seems almost impossible, five cards in order to successfully turn up all the cards. Yet the smarts of Wily Bill lie not in this but in the bonus cards that allow one to mix up the opponent’s cards, and even the cards found last can be placed on the table again. The aim of the game is to find all the cards sooner than our opponent.
Be apt and quick so you’ll be the first on the ranking list!