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Zombie Huntingheadshot 1.1
Screen Shots:
This is the most popular shooting game themed by zombies!
The pictures and images are simple and clear; the character of enemy is so cute!
The guns and weapons are so powerful! This shooting game will be a real surprise for you!
It is a causal game, so the graphics are clean and neat!
You will have a wholly new shooting experience of zombies!
This is a zombie shooting game! There are 2 game modes: Relative Mode – use your hands to kill the enemy; Point-control Mode – kill the enemies more precisely! What you need know is that you will not get much higher scores in Point-control Mode. As you move on, the game will become more and more interesting; there will be some enemies who rush to kill you; and you’d better kill those uncommon enemies first. The rewards and bonus items in this game can be obtained by you if you hit them, and you need learn that when you can collect the rewards. It has survive mode and minigame mode where players can be able to not worry about the zombies and relax themselves.
★★★★★ Fast pace of game and cute game characters
★★★★★ Perfect coordination between sound effect and the game itself
★★★★★ Players can change weapons freely and instantly.
★★★★★ 2 modes of the game make it more interesting!
★★★★★ Other well-designed game modes