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Zombiebowkill 1.1
Screen Shots:
-- 10 more zombie blasting levels!
-- All new zombie type -- the streaker!
Ever wanted to put a burning arrow
thru a wrotten zombie skull?
Ever wanted to blow their stinking
flesh off with a well-positioned
exploding arrow?
You prayers have been heard.
+++ Zombie
Twenty levels of Zombie slashing await you!
Unlock burning arrows!
Unlock exploding arrows!
Watch out for Zombie Runners and
Zombie Avalanche Boss Levels!
Fight wave after wave of zombies!
Zombie Arrow Cam... experience the flight of the arrow up to the very last inch before impact!
### Gameplay###
Simple yet precise controls allow you to develop true relative aim.
Unlock new levels, become addicted to the intuitive flow of the game.
Great music and sound effects!
Fully 3D graphics and moving targets will have you mastering the art of zombie archery for hours!
### Coming Soon ###
+++Ten more waves
++++Three new Zombies Types
EXTRA BONUS for Organic Born Killers:
Unlock GAME CENTER so you can brag about
your kills!
### Check out our other games ###
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