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05 Min First Aid 1.36
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Fast consultation. First Aid.
Have you ever asked yourself how you would behave in an emergency? Does thinking that you won’t know what to do in an emergency make you feel afraid?
“05 min: First Aid” will teach you how to behave in the most common emergency situations.
You’ll need to spend only five minutes to understand the recommended steps for doing the right thing when an emergency occurs.
This application is also the ideal companion, because if you keep it with you everywhere you go, in only two clicks you will have all the information you need to know about what to do to if an emergency occurs in which you have to help.
Think about your family and yourself. You have to be ready in case something happens.
Includes cardio-respiratory massage simulator.
“05 min: First Aid” only recommends how one should behave in an emergency and in no case should these recommendations substitute for a medical doctor’s diagnosis.
In case of any doubt about how to behave in a given emergency it’s preferable to call emergency services and wait for them to arrive.
05 min: Having a Baby
05 min: To pull
05 min: Feng Shui