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Ajnr Mobile 4.3
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The American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) ( invites you to explore our multimedia content on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch. This app features full-text viewing. AJNR is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal that publishes Original Research, Review Articles, and Technical Notes relevant to the diagnostic, interventional, and functional imaging of the brain, head, neck, spine, and organs of special sense, including: aging and degenerative diseases; anatomy; the cervicothoracic junction; contrast media; experimental studies; functional imaging; iatrogenic disorders; imaging techniques and technology (including all advanced imaging modalities); inflammatory diseases; interventional techniques and related technology; the larynx and lymphatics; the nasopharynx and skull base; neoplastic diseases; the nose and paranasal sinuses; oral and dental imaging; ophthalmologic and otorhinolaryngologic imaging; pediatric ENT radiology; pediatric neuroradiology and congenital malformations; the phakomatoses; radionuclide imaging; the salivary glands; seizure disorders; cancer, stroke, and cerebrovascular diseases; the temporal bone; and tissue characterization and trauma. AJNR is abstracted and/or indexed by PubMed/Medline, BIOSIS Previews, Current Contents (Clinical Medicine and Life Sciences), EMBASE, Google Scholar, HighWire Press, Q-Sensei, RefSeek, Science Citation Index, and SCI Expanded.