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Anatomy Quiz Pro 2.0.1
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Learn anatomy easily with this unique quiz app that features traditional multiple-choice quizzes on 416 structures, or our new quiz style where you match a name to one of four images. You can make your own quizzes, or have the app quiz you only on what you have missed. Includes over 416 anatomical structures in beautiful 3d renderings. The topics include 167 bones and landmarks, 138 muscles, and 111 organ images. Turn on the timer option for an extra challenge!
Try this unique anatomy quiz game and you'll be happy you did!
A quick anatomy lesson: this app features ALL the bones and many landmarks, but in the bone section, there are only 53 bones listed.... arnt there 206 bones in the body? Most of the bones are bilateral... one on each side, so we don't quiz the right femur and left femur, this cuts the list down almost in half. Many bones are repeat... 12 ribs on each side, 10 distal phalanges, 10 proximal phalanges... When we take out all these repetitive bones, we are left with about 53 unique bones.... so please know that this app has been designed by experienced intelligent anatomists!