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Anesthesia 411 2.10
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Anesthesia 411 is a collection of more than 125 of the most common cases seen by an anesthesiologist. This is not a didactic manual that goes over diseases, theory and physiology. Rather, this is a simple guide when one needs information fast. Using a simple format, it will tell you what you need to set up your room in about 60 seconds. It will guide you on the IV access, drugs, monitors and special equipment you will need to do this case. It will go over pre-op, intra-op and post-op issues germane to the case.
A detailed section has been added for those doing minimally invasive port access AVR and MVR cases. This includes TEE images showing CS catheter and pulmonary vent placement. It includes correct and incorrect placement fluoroscopy images for the coronary sinus catheter. Tips are also given from experts on how to know the CS is in the correct position.
Don't be intimidated by a case you have never done. Anesthesia 411 will give you the information you need to get up to speed in seconds. Whether you are a resident, CRNA or junior attending, this guide is a must when you need the 411.