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Avado Tracker 1.1.1
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Healthcare works best when you and your providers work together to monitor and improve your wellness. The Avado Tracker iPhone app lets you track any health related information securely over time, including vitals, symptoms, medications, weight, calories, blood sugar, pain levels and so. You can setup what you want to track at and when you want to be reminded. All information is saved securely in your Avado account where you can share that information with any of your healthcare providers, or where you can view, chart, and review the information at any time. You can also setup schedules to be reminded when you need to update your health and wellness related information.
With an Avado account, you are always in complete control of what aspects of healthcare you track and how much (or how little) you share with your providers.
* Receive and manage all your healthcare provider information in one place.
* Record and track your health history—medications, immunizations, lab results, surgeries, etc.—so it’s all in one place and accessible at a moment’s notice.
* Record and chart vital statistics (weight, exercise, blood pressure, blood-sugar levels, etc.) as often as you like, over any period of time.
* Distribute any part of that information to any provider you wish, to keep them up to date on your progress and wellness.
* Have one-on-one contact with your providers for follow-on support.
* Receive care-specific services from your provider—such as reminders to take your vitals, schedule appointments, take medications, or perform your physical therapy—so you can stay on your wellness regimen.
* Coordinate care across multiple providers for yourself, a dependent, or an elderly parent.
* Receive reminders for appointments, medications, etc. from your providers and have them show up on your calendar.
You can create an Avado account at for free. If you are a healthcare provider and you want to learn more about how Avado can help you manage your patient relationships, get started at