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Crown Vision Center 2.0
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The Crown Vision Center app lets you schedule your own eyecare appointments and have them immediately confirmed. No more requesting appointments and waiting for the call back. You can see which appointments are currently available, reserve the appointment and even add it to your personal calendar. Once again, Crown Vision Center leads the industry in improving the health and well-being of our patients.
Crown Vision Center was founded in 1961 by an optometrist in Alton, IL. Over the years, Crown Vision Center owns and operates 25 locations throughout Missouri and Illinois and is now one of the largest, most complete eyecare providers in St. Louis. All 25 locations are full service optometric centers with board certified optometrists. Crown Vision Center also has board certified surgical teams available for all your medical vision needs, such as cataracts.
The success of the company has been based on the concept of affordable vision services and everyday low-priced eyewear. Over the past 50 years, we have built an enviable reputation in the "See Better Business" for delivering the highest quality professional eye care to more than 40,000 patients in the St. Louis area.