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Nursing Essentials 2.1.5
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Nursing Essentials™ for iPhone & iPod Touch gives you immediate access to the critical information nurses need, in an easy to use app with rich content, detailed illustrations, and pioneering features.
* Quick navigation to critical information
* Custom bookmarks let you quickly return to your favorite pages
* Expanded search capability
* Add notes to a page
* Additional Calculators
* Emergency Number Dialer
* Patient Notes section
Best of all, you know you can depend on Nursing Essentials™ for iPhone, because it was created by Informed Publishing®—the trusted leader in emergency reference information since 1986. Informed's print and digital guides are carried in the pockets, on mobile devices, and in the emergency vehicles of over one million first responders nationwide.
Whether you are a beginning or experienced nurse, this guide will be an essential tool throughout your career. Nursing Essentials™ is the one resource that both recent graduates and lifelong nurses depend on to keep all the information they need at their fingertips.
"I was glad when I stumbled upon the iPhone versions of the Emergency and Critical Care Guide™ and Nursing Essentials™...The iPhone versions are perfect, in my opinion...Needless to say, this is exponentially easier now that they are all on my iPhone, and just as easy to use."
-Nita K. Love, RN
The second edition Nursing Essentials™ includes vital assessment information, with updated and expanded sections devoted to cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, pediatric, OB, GI/GU, and mental health topics. The new mental health section covers common disorders (anxiety, personality, bipolar, chemical dependency, eating disorders, schizophrenia, somatoform) and mental health assessment.
It provides updated reference information on drugs, infusions, and laboratory values, with information on medications, blood products, calculations, and PO, SQ, IM, IO administration procedures, with a new expanded section on IV administration guidelines. Also featured are fluids, electrolytes, and acid-base imbalances, as well as a new pain assessment chart and Spanish translations.
* Acid-Base Imbalances
* Complete Neurological Assessment
* Pediatric Drug Dosages
* Pain Assessment
* Geriatric & Cultural Considerations
* Organ Donation Considerations
* Burn and Dermatome Charts
* Abbreviations
* Metric Conversions
* Immunizations
* Spanish translations
* Restraint and Back Safety
* Tips For Workload / Report Organization
* Insertion / Management of Catheters, Gastric, and Chest Tubes
Featuring interactive calculators for Glasgow, burns, and metric conversions.
Informed Publishing® offers a full product line of references for the medical and first response markets, as well as a consumer line for home and family emergency preparedness. Informed references are available in a variety of formats, including pocket-sized print guides, PDF editions, and now apps for the iPhone & iPod Touch. Learn more at
For questions, comments, or suggestions concerning this guide, contact Informed® Publishing at