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Hand Chief Complaints In Internal Medicine 1.0.0
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@Hand: Chief Complaints in Internal Medicine is an exceptionally useful program that provides guidance on the differential diagnosis of a full range of signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings. This program will allow you to quickly access all the essentials of internal medicine diagnoses conveniently on your iOS device, in a well-organized and easy-to-use format.
All information is broken down into these easy to use categories:
- Definition
- History
- Physical Examination
- Differential Diagnosis
- Initial Evaluation
- Further Evaluation
- Caveats and Pearls
Topics are presented in alphabetical order with a quick search feature designed specifically for your device. This product will help you select the most effective course of action for each patient. You will gain practical guidance at the point of care, in a fraction of the time it would take using other resources. The contributors are experienced practitioners who provide up-to-date recommendations. For every internist, whether in training or practice, @Hand: Chief Complaints in Internal Medicine is the one program that absolutely belongs on your iOS device.
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Medical Wizards provides popular medical reference guides and tools for healthcare professionals. Whether you are a Doctor, Nurse, Physician Assistant, Nursing Assistant, or Medical Student, Medical Wizards has the ideal program for you.
Medical Wizards has a variety of popular programs specifically designed for a wide range of medical specialties. From Prentice Hall, the award-winning Medical Wizards Toolbox series, Pearson, Davis Drug Guide, 5MCC, and Taber’s, Medical Wizards has the app you are looking for. We invite you to try our software and see for yourself why healthcare practitioners are turning to Medical Wizards for their mobile information needs.